FalkorDB x Kafka Connect Banner

Get Started

1️⃣ Obtaining the Connector

You can build the connector from source or download the pre-built JAR file from the releases. The GitHub repository includes a README with instructions for running the connector locally. The GitHub repository includes a README with instructions for running the connector locally.

2️⃣ Configuring the Connector

Kafka Connector Properties Overview: This document explains the properties required to configure the FalkorDB Sink Connector for Apache Kafka.

Configurations should be specified in a properties file format.

Properties Overview

Property Description
name Specifies the unique name of the connector instance, e.g., falkordb-connector. This name identifies the connector in the Kafka Connect framework.
connector.class Defines the Java class that implements the connector logic. Use com.falkordb.FalkorDBSinkConnector to write data from Kafka topics to FalkorDB.
tasks.max Sets the maximum number of tasks for the connector. A value of 1 uses a single task. Increasing this can boost throughput but requires resources.
topics Specifies the Kafka topic(s) to consume messages from. Set to falkordb-topic to read messages from this topic.
key.converter Defines the converter class for message keys. StringConverter treats keys as simple strings.
value.converter Specifies the converter for message values. StringConverter treats values as strings.
value.converter.schemas.enable Indicates whether schemas should be included with message values. Setting to false excludes schema information.
falkor.url Specifies the connection URL for FalkorDB. Example: redis://localhost:6379. Essential for connecting Kafka to FalkorDB.

The above properties configure a Kafka Sink Connector that reads messages from a specified topic and writes them into FalkorDB using string conversion for both keys and values. Adjusting these properties allows you to tailor the connector’s behavior according to your application’s requirements.

Configuration Example


Kafka Message Format

JSON Structure Overview

The message is an array containing multiple objects, each representing a command to be executed on the graph database. Below is a breakdown of the key components of each message object.


    "graphName": "falkordb",
    "command": "GRAPH_QUERY",
    "cypherCommand": "CREATE (p:Person {name: $name_param, age: $age_param, location: $location_param}) RETURN p",
    "parameters": {
      "location_param": "Location 0",
      "age_param": 20,
      "name_param": "Person 0"
    "graphName": "falkordb",
    "command": "GRAPH_QUERY",
    "cypherCommand": "CREATE (p:Person {name: $name_param, age: $age_param, location: $location_param}) RETURN p",
    "parameters": {
      "location_param": "Location 1",
      "age_param": 21,
      "name_param": "Person 1"

Key Components

The table below explains essential properties for executing commands in FalkorDB through Kafka messages.

Property Description Example Explainer
graphName Specifies the name of the graph database where the command will be executed. "falkordb". Kafka messages can update multiple graphs.  
command Indicates the type of operation being performed. "GRAPH_QUERY" means a query will be executed against the graph database. "GRAPH_QUERY"  
cypherCommand Contains the actual Cypher query to be executed. Cypher is a query language for graph databases. cypher CREATE (p:Person {name: $name_param, age: $age_param, location: $location_param}) RETURN p Creates a Person node with name, age, and location properties.
parameters Holds key-value pairs for placeholders in the cypherCommand. json {"name_param": "Person 0", "age_param": 20, "location_param": "Location 0"} Used to define properties for the new node.