The CALL {} (subquery) clause allows local execution of subqueries, which opens the door for many comfortable and efficient actions on a graph.

The subquery is executed once for each record in the input stream.

The subquery may be a returning or non-returning subquery. A returning subquery may change the amount of records, while a non-returning subquery will not.

The variables in the scope before the CALL {} clause are available after the clause, together with the variables returned by the subquery (in the case of a returning subquery).

Variables may be imported from the outer scope only in an opening WITH clause, via simple projections (e.g. WITH n, m), or via WITH * (which imports all bound variables). The variables returned from a subquery may not override existing variables in the outer scope.

The CALL {} clause may be used for numerous purposes, such as: Post-UNION processing, local environment for aggregations and actions on every input row, efficient operations using a limited namespace (via imports) and performing side-effects using non-returning subqueries. Let’s see some examples.

  • Post-UNION processing.

We can easily get the cheapest and most expensive items in a store and set their of_interest property to true (to keep monitoring the ‘interesting’ items) using post-UNION processing:

  CALL {
    MATCH (s:Store {name: 'Walmart'})-[:SELLS]->(i:Item)
    RETURN i AS item
    ORDER BY price ASC
    LIMIT 1
    MATCH (s:Store {name: 'Walmart'})-[:SELLS]->(i:Item)
    RETURN i AS item
    ORDER BY price DESC
    LIMIT 1
  SET item.of_interest = true
  RETURN AS name, item.price AS price

We can utilize post-UNION processing to perform aggregations over differently-matched entities. For example, we can count the number of customers and vendors that a store interacts with:

  CALL {
    MATCH (s:Store {name: 'Walmart'})-[:SELLS_TO]->(c:Customer)
    RETURN c AS interface
    MATCH (s:Store {name: 'Walmart'})-[:BUYS_FROM]->(v:Vendor)
    RETURN v AS interface
  RETURN count(interface) AS interfaces
  • Local environment for aggregations and actions on every input row.

Another key feature of the CALL {} clause is the ability to perform isolated aggregations on every input row. For example, let’s check if there is any correlation between the amount of sales per-product and the advertisement-intensity implemented for it in a particular month.

  MATCH (item:Item)
  CALL {
    WITH item
    MATCH (item)-[s:SOLD_TO {advertisement_intensity: 10}]->(c:Customer)
    WHERE > '01-01-2023' AND < '01-02-2023'
    RETURN count(s) AS item_sales_ads_high
  CALL {
    WITH item
    MATCH (item)-[s:SOLD_TO {advertisement_intensity: 5}]->(c:Customer)
    WHERE > '01-01-2023' AND < '01-02-2023'
    RETURN count(s) AS item_sales_ads_low
  RETURN AS name, item_sales_ads_high as high_ads_sales, item_sales_ads_low as low_ads_sales
  • Side-effects.

We can comfortably perform side-effects using non-returning subqueries. For example, we can mark a sub-group of nodes in the graph withholding some shared property. Let’s mark all the items in a Walmart store that were sold more than 100 times as popular items, and return all items in the store:

  MATCH (item:Item)
  CALL {
    WITH item
    MATCH (item)-[s:SOLD_TO]->(c:Customer)
    WITH item, count(s) AS item_sales
    WHERE item_sales > 100
    SET item.popular = true
  RETURN item